Researching the right websites to link to can be time-consuming. That’s why we developed our unique solution, KRANG, which takes the guesswork out of finding the ideal candidate sites, and does the research at speed and in volume.
KRANG can scan millions of websites per day, in order to find those that are most relevant to your market, products and services. It fully understands what Google likes about backlinks (and what it doesn’t) and feeds our outreach team recommendations accordingly.
Custom crawl engine built for scalability to scan the ever-growing web
Able to understand and identify sites based on relevance and reputation
Can make suggestions for outreach based on over 150 separate factors
Adapts and understands how links are treated by major search engines
Contact us to learn more about how KRANG can benefit your link-building campaign
Zocdoc believes patients deserve better and help millions of people across the US find and book healthcare providers who are right for them.
Groupon is a global eCommerce marketplace connecting subscribers with local merchants by offering activities, travel, goods and services in 13 countries.
Yoppie creates personalized menstrual care solutions that enable people to take control of their menstrual health.
Finty is a comparison website for savers, spenders, and inventors. From applying for a credit card to investing for your future, Finty helps consumers make better decisions with free tools and guides.
TotallyMoney lets consumers track and understand their credit rating. Their platform tells them why changes happen, how it affects them, and how to move on up.